About Light! Keto低碳碗Low Crab Bowl
以低醣低碳低卡為主。因為店主的健康問題,多年都進行低碳飲食以控制病情。所以好明白低卡高蛋白及適量碳水的飲食才是健康的關鍵。與Light⬇️火食 是姊妹品牌。而Light⬇️Keto 低碳碗的食譜會更低碳及有更多生酮選擇。希望大家食得開心又健康Sister brand of Light⬇️火食 (Light⬇️ Fire Food).The recipes here are even lower in carbs and offer more Keto options.Due to the owner's health issues, we have been following a low-carb diet for many years to manage the condition. We understand that a diet with low carbs, high protein, and moderate carbohydrates is the key to good health.Stay healthy and enjoy eating.20% off entire menu
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$102.40$128.00🎃🥥南瓜椰汁粟米芝士雞肉低碳碗🐔🌽Pumpkin Corn Coconut Chicken With Cheese Bowl
$94.40$118.00✨New🌱🐣雞胸肉水波蛋低碳碗🥚Chicken Breast with Poached Egg Low-carb Bowl
$86.40$108.00🍣生酮🐟🫛清煮三文魚枝豆椰菜花飯碗 Keto⬇️Boiles Salmon With Edamame And Cauliflower Rice Bowl
$116.80$146.00海帶味噌關東煮定食🐖🐟Seaweed Miso Kanto Stew Set Meal.
$94.40$118.00🐔🐓京蔥薑燒雞肉低碳碗🫚Ginger-Scallion Chicken Low Crab Rice Bowl
$86.40$108.00🐟🔥鹽烤鯖魚低碳碗🥣Salt-Baked Mackerel Low-Carb Bowl
$86.40$108.00🐮水波蛋和風洋蔥牛肉低碳碗🥚🥣JP Onion Beef and Poached Egg Rice Bowl
$102.40$128.00🌱低碳麻油雞絲清湯海藻水晶粉🍜Low-carbon Sesame Oil Chicken Seaweed Crystal Noodles with Soup
酮學仔飲食須知Introduction for Keto diet
Please read before order
雖然全部都可以轉椰菜花飯,但生酮餐點有特別配搭,調味也是最簡單的,因為食物含天然碳水,譬如洋蔥,味噌等等,都是比較高碳水的食物,所以標記了生酮的餐點,我們都避免了此類食物,特別是嚴格生酮的酮學仔,請大家留意喔🙏🏻$0.00$0.00✨To avoid breaking ketosis, friends following a ketogenic diet are best advised to choose items already labeled as keto-
While all dishes can be converted to cauliflower rice, ketogenic meals have specific combinations and simple seasoning because foods containing natural carbohydrates, such as onions and miso, are relatively high in carbs. Therefore, in marked ketogenic meals, we avoid such foods, especially for strict adherents to the ketogenic diet. Please take note 🙏🏻.$0.00$0.00
✨NEW🌱🍚生酮低碳豆乳意大利燉飯套餐🫛Keto /Low Crabs Soy Milk Risotto Set
每一份椰菜花飯都有250g,除了少量初榨橄欖油或食物本身的油脂,並沒有額外添加油,低碳低卡,飽肚但易消化 ,選用有機無糖豆乳,適合乳糖不耐症人士食用🚨食物含天然碳水,嚴格生酮,請謹慎食用.
🫛純素🌱生酮椰汁豆乳柚子意大利燉飯🍊Vegan🌱Keto Coconut Yuzu Risotto
#生酮 #純素#低卡 #低碳 #無乳糖 #日本柚子皮#Ketogenic #vegan #lowcalorie #lowcarb #lactosefree #japaneseyuzupeel$82.40$103.00VeganCautions 🚨plz read before order
Each serving of cauliflower rice weighs 250g and contains minimal oil, either from a small amount of extra virgin olive oil or from the natural fats in the food itself. It's low-carb, low-calorie, filling, and easily digestible. Additionally, organic unsweetened soy milk is used, suitable for lactose intolerant individuals. 🚨 This food contains natural carbohydrates and strictly adheres to the ketogenic diet. Please consume with caution.$0.00$0.00🌱生酮🐂豆乳漢堡扒白松露水波蛋意大利燉飯(可加芝士)🐂 Keto Soy Milk Burger Patty with White Truffle Poached Egg Risotto (Can add cheese)
#生酮 #低碳 #高蛋白 #純澳洲無激素免治牛 #白松露油#Ketogenic #lowcarb #highprotein #pureaustralianhormonefreebeef #whitetruffleoil$118.40$148.00Dairy free
實惠🎃🥥低碳南瓜粟米椰汁濃湯全日早餐🌽🍲 (送無糖凍豆漿或無糖荔枝青檸熱茶) Low Crab Pumpkin Corn Coconut Soup All day breakfast Set
香港人最愛的All day breakfast,超低碳高蛋白版本。南瓜濃湯以赤藻糖醇及椰奶製成,無乳糖又低卡,但又十分香濃,美味無負擔A Hong Kong favorite, the All-Day Breakfast, in an ultra-low-carb, high-protein version. The pumpkin soup is made with erythritol and coconut milk, lactose-free and low-calorie, yet incred
實惠🎃🥥低碳南瓜粟米椰汁濃湯全日早餐🌽🍲Low Crab Pumpkin Corn Coconut Soup All day breakfast Set
#高蛋白 #低碳 #低升糖 #低碳生酮餐包 #黑松露滑蛋 #雞骨腸 #生酮蜂蜜芥末沙律#枝豆仁#HighProtein #LowCarb #LowGlycemicIndex#LowCarbKetoBread #TruffleScrambledEggs #ChickenSausage #KetoHoneyMustardSalad #EdamameNuts$134.40$168.00
🌱超級沙律碗🥗Super Salad Bowl
清爽沙律超級碗,大大份,沙律都可以食得好滿足A super-sized refreshing salad bowl, generously portioned, where you can enjoy a satisfying salad.
胡麻紫菜豆腐枝豆沙律Japanese Sesame Dressing with Seaweed and Tofu Green Bean Salad
枝豆可降低膽固醇水平,有豐富蛋白質,能穩定血糖水平,促進腸道健康,加上豆腐,絕對是減重好幫手。$78.40$98.00生酮🐔🥗蜂蜜芥末日本雞胸沙律🐝Keto Honey Mustard
#自家製生酮芥末汁 #日本雞胸 #阿洛酮糖 #清新什菜沙律 ❗沒有真蜂蜜,只用阿洛酮糖調出蜂蜜的味道❗#HomemadeKetoMustardSauce #JapaneseChickenBreast #Allulose #FreshMixedGreenSalad ❗No real honey, only using Allulose to mimic the taste of honey❗$86.40$108.00即將推出!Coming Soon Keto Poke Bowl
🍜✨🌱低碳低卡海藻水晶粉系列✨Low-carb, Low-calorie Seaweed Crystal Powder Series
用海藻製成滑溜麵條 代替高碳水碳化物麵食 減肥代餐之選🙌🏻270g只有54卡路里,成份無添加蒟蒻粉,口感比起蒟蒻麵更柔軟,容易咀嚼消化Made from seaweed, these slippery noodles are a low-carb alternative to traditional high-carbohydrate pasta, making them a great choice for weight loss meals. 🙌🏻 With only 54 calories.
🌱低碳麻油雞絲清湯海藻水晶粉🍜Low-carbon Sesame Oil Chicken Seaweed Crystal Noodles with Soup
大大份清爽海藻水晶粉配雞肉,開胃清爽,飽肚又低碳✨Refreshing double seaweed crystal noodles with large portion of chicken, appetizing,satisfying. ✨$86.40$108.00
低碳藜麥糙米便當碗套餐(附日本熱茶)🍱🍚Low Crab Quinoa Brown Rice Bento Bowl Set(With JP Hot Tea)
使用稀少糖中最高級的阿洛酮糖製作的低碳無糖醬汁,烹調時也不額外用油,只用肉類本身的油脂炒製,低碳又低脂,另可轉為低碳椰菜花飯 Made with Allulose, , this low-carb, sugar-free sauce is prepared without the need for additional oil during cooking.It's both low-carb and low-fat and can be paired with low-carb cauliflower.
🎃🥥南瓜椰汁粟米芝士雞肉低碳碗🐔🌽Pumpkin Corn Coconut Chicken With Cheese Bowl
#無乳糖 #低卡 #赤藻糖醇 #高蛋白 #藜麥糙米#LactoseFree #LowCarb #Erythritol #HighProtein #QuinoaBrownRice$86.40$108.00🍣生酮🐟🫛清煮三文魚枝豆椰菜花飯碗 Keto⬇️Boiles Salmon With Edamame And Cauliflower Rice Bowl
#蛋絲 #紫菜 #生酮醬油#高纖 #omega3 #低碳 #生酮 #蛋白質‼️嚴格生酮飲食者慎食‼️#EggShreds #Seaweed #KetogenicSoySauce #HighFiber #Omega3 #LowCarb #Ketogenic #Protein‼️Strict ketogenic dieters, be cautious when consuming‼️$116.80$146.00✨New🌱🐣雞胸肉水波蛋低碳碗🥚Chicken Breast with Poached Egg Low-carb Bowl
#gym #阿洛酮糖豉油 #高蛋白 #清爽 #經典 #飽腹感 #gym #allouse soy sauce#highprotein #refreshing #classic #satiety$86.40$108.00🐮水波蛋和風洋蔥牛肉低碳碗🥚🥣JP Onion Beef and Poached Egg Rice Bowl
#日本水波蛋 #低碳 #高蛋白 #洋蔥#JapaneseSoftBoiledEgg #LowCarb #HighProtein #Onion$102.40$128.00🐟🔥鹽烤鯖魚低碳碗🥣Salt-Baked Mackerel Low-Carb Bowl
#無油燒 #Omega3 #高蛋白 #低碳低卡 #EPA、DHA#減少發炎#OilFreeCooking #Omega3 #HighProtein #LowCarbLowCalorie #EPA, DHA#ReduceInflammation$86.40$108.00🐔🐓京蔥薑燒雞肉低碳碗🫚Ginger-Scallion Chicken Low Crab Rice Bowl
#日本產薑 #去皮低脂 #低碳 #高蛋白 #低卡#JapaneseGinger #PeeledLowFat #LowCarb #HighProtein #LowCalorie$86.40$108.00🐖滑蛋薑燒豚肉低碳碗🫚🥚Scrambled Egg and Ginger Pork Low Crab Bowl
#日本九洲蛋 #日本產薑 #生酮薑燒汁 #低碳 #高蛋白#JapaneseKyushuEgg #JapaneseGinger #KetogenicGingerSauce #LowCarb #HighProtein$102.40$128.00
低碳藜麥糙米湯飯套餐🍲🍜(可轉海藻水晶粉)Low-Carb Quinoa Brown Rice Soup Set (Option to switch to Seaweed Crystal Noodles).
低碳,暖胃又飽肚Low-carb, warming, and filling.
海帶味噌關東煮定食🐖🐟Seaweed Miso Kanto Stew Set Meal.
#海帶 #牛蒡魚肉卷 #芋絲 #牛蒡 #油揚絲 #低碳 #低卡#Seaweed #Burdock Fish Rolls #Yam Noodles #Burdock # Fried Strips #LowCarb #LowCalorie$94.40$118.00
🍔生酮蛋捲或漢堡🌯Keto Egg Roll or Burger(Please Consume It with Caution, As The Ingredients May Contain Natural Carbohydrates)
漢堡使用麵筋粉及生酮烘焙粉,口感與一般鬆軟漢堡包會有分別,但與市面上生酮麵包更像真,低升糖又飽腹感受十足🔺食材含天然碳水嚴格生酮者,請謹慎食用The burger uses gluten and keto flour, its texture may differ from regular soft burger buns, but it's closer to real bread compared to keto bread on the market.
#自家製生酮蜂蜜芥末 #阿洛酮糖 #沙律菜$86.40$108.00高蛋白黑松露芝士滑蛋車厘生酮漢堡
#無肉 #素食生酮 #日本九州蛋$78.40$98.00
低碳單品 Keto Options
生酮餐包50 g
$54.40$68.00生酮蜂蜜芥末 100mlKeto Honey Mustard
❗No real honey, only using Allulose to mimic the taste of honey❗#extra virgin olive oil$38.40$48.00